Visual Field Test

What is a Visual Field Test and when is it necessary?

A Visual Field Test also known as Perimetry test examines and measures the field you see -including your peripheral vision – when you keep your head and eye still without motion. This exam is vital in the early diagnosis of some eye diseases such as glaucoma or neurological illnesses.

How does the examination go?

The examination lasts for 15-20 minutes. During the test a computer measures your visual field separately in both eyes.

First the doctor checks your near-vision which is extremely important if you use reading glasses. One eye will be covered and the doctor will ask you to put your chin into a bowl like instrument and keep your head still. It’s important to only pay attention to the light the machine produces.

When examining your peripheral vision lights will pop up at different locations. You should signal your doctor if you see them without looking into them. Some locations will be checked more than once. This same procedure is executed on your other eye as well.

What happens after the examination?

As the examination comes with zero risks and side effects after it’s over you can leave and continue your daily activities without trouble.

This test however gives important information for your doctor about your vision. The computer produces a colorful map-like image which describes the areas where you have problems. This way your doctor can diagnose and monitor some conditions regarding your eyesight.