Medical Technology

Cutting edge medical technology

Hmedical provides state of the art medical technology with highest resolution imaging equipment and cutting edge surgical devices allowing us to give you the most appropriate answers and treatments to your medical problems and needs.

Thanks to our advanced-technology devices and the competency, experience and wealth of knowledge of our professional medical staff, Hmedical and our general and advanced imaging centre brings you all the advantages of a large medical centre when you have your surgery or examination abroad.

We are proud of having our high-qualified professional staff at Hmedical providing a wide range of diagnostic imaging and surgical procedures.

Advanced Imaging Center

Siemens SOMATOM Scope CT scanner

Siemens SOMATOM Scope CT (computed tomography) scanner is the world’s fastest tomography device balancing between the right dose and excellent image quality. The scanner is beneficial for clear visualization of almost all parts of the body.

The CT scan device is instrumental not only in scanning orthopaedic, vascular, gastrointestinal, ear-nose-throat, respiratory, circulatory and oncological diseases of the body, but also in determining epilepsy and neurologic disorders.

Our high-qualified professional professional operators and doctors at Hmedical provide a full and high quality diagnostic imaging service.


SIEMENS MAGNETOM Aera scanner is one of the most advanced diagnostic devices among the newly developed advanced imaging technologies. The MRI scan is conducted in situations where the classic scanning methods (e.g. X-ray, ultrasound imaging) would fail to detect.

Its wide application portfolio ensures the versatility to expand MRI scan services for clinical excellence. The scanner is used to produce images of entire human body including imaging for orthopaedics, neurology, cardiology, breast scanning, oncology, urology and internal organs of the body, like for example kidney, liver, gallbladder, pelvis, colon and abdomen.

SIEMENS MAGNETOM Aera provides images with optimum resolution and quality by using parallel imaging and combining software programs. Thanks to the examination of this information, a very sensitive and high quality image is obtained.

Our high-qualified professional operators and doctors at Hmedical provide a full and high quality diagnostic imaging service.


Our different ultrasound devices provide distinct types of imaging in different parts of the body, such as:

GE Vivid T8 Pro ultrasound system: is among the best cardiovascular ultrasound device

GE Logiq P5 & GE Logiq F6 ultrasound system: is utilized in multiple care areas to perform exams, including abdominal, gynecological, musculoskeletal, vascular, urological, transcranial and cardiac ultrasound diagnostics

Our highly experienced and skilled physicians give excellent medical service to determine the diagnosis.

Surgery equipments


Arthrex Synergy arthroscope is an excellent and modern device for orthopaedic imaging and surgeries such as knee (e.g. anterior crucial ligament reconstruction and menisectomy) hip and shoulder surgery.


Storz Laporoscopic device is an extensive and highly differentiated range of instrument in the fields of internal medicine, general surgery, urology, ear-nose-throat and gynaecology. It is inconceivable without the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of modern endoscopy for anal polyp removal surgery.

General anaesthesia

Our patients’ safety is more important for us than anything that is why we use the most advanced, safe and reliable Drager FABIUS anesthesia machine with Delta XL monitor that combines quality therapy and sophisticated digital medical monitoring technology

General X-ray (radiography)

Philips Bucky Diagnost TH X-Ray produces perfect dimensional images by using minimal doses.

It helps quickly confirm the presence or the absence of the injury or disease of our patient.

This X-Ray is beneficial for investigating almost all the part of the body and any trauma symptoms before, during and after surgery.



State of the art Fujifilm EC-530FI video colonoscope is utilized at our endoscopy centre for the outmost quality and reliability of diagnostics of the colon, rectum and distal part of small intestine.


Our Fujifilm EG-530FP video gastroscope set up with a fully digital processor providing a brilliant HD image quality is one of the most advanced diagnostic device to diagnose problems of the upper digestive system, that is esophagus (gullet) and stomach. We use Ikegami MLW-2150HD full HD video monitor system, a cutting edge equipment for endoscopy devices.


As a key element of patients’ safety we put great emphasis on sterilization. To match our quality srandards and ensure safety of patients we utitlize Steelco VS 2/2 E and DS 600/2 washer disinfector and sterilizer series. These devices give an innovative high performance medical technology in our hospital, surgery and endoscopy centre. It is also beneficial for the sterilization cycles optimizing and reducing water and steam consumption.