Hemorrhoid surgery

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus. Mostly malnutrition, lack of physical activity, obesity, and struggling as a result of constipation can cause hemorrhoids.

 In some cases they may become inflammatory, enlarged, bloody, and turned out, causing pain and further complaints. Severe hemorrhoids lead to further complaints and complications without proper treatment (hemorrhoid surgery).

Internal hemorrhoids are painless, but tend to bleed. External hemorrhoids can cause pain.

What are the stages of hemorrhoids?

Healthy eating and regular physical activity is essential to avoid hemorrhoids. The disease has several stages with mild to permanent pain. At early stage, the enlarged nodule is asymptomatic around the anus. At the second stage, during defecation, the nodule protrude beyond the anus and then draw back. In the third stage, the protruding hemorrhoid can cause more pain or bleeding, and won’t draw back by itself, (it can be manually restored). In the fourth stage, the highly sensitive and painful protruding hemorrhoid cannot be restored manually into the anus. In this case, the only treatment of hemorrhoids must be performed by hemorrhoid surgery.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

  • Lump near the anus
  • Painful defecation
  • Bleeding during bowel moments
  • Swelling around the anus
  • Itching and irritation in the anal region

What can cause hemorrhoids?

  • Straining during bowel movements

Excessive strain during bowel movement increases the pressure on the wall of veins that expand the veins too much. In severe cases, the internal pile come out of the anus as a result of strain, causing itching and pain.

  • Diarrhea 

Frequent bowel moments strain and expand the veins.

  • Poor nutrition

Eating too many types of food, which are spicy, low in fibre or high in fat, salt or sugar, and inadequate fluid intake can lead to hemorrhoids.

  • Obesity

In case of obesity, increased abdominal pressure can cause hemorrhoids.

  • Connective tissue weakness

Connective tissue weakness is mostly genetical.

  • Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids can be caused by hormonal changes (when the circulation slows and the pressure increasing in the veins) as well as the enlarged uterus that put pressure on the perineum area and the veins. After birth, the hemorrhoids draw back generally.

  • Diseases

It may also develop as a result of chronic liver disease and rectal cancer.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

In the early stage of the disease, hemorrhoids are treated with medications and diet. Changing lifestyle and eating habits is essential to the effectiveness of the treatment. Eating fiber rich food, increasing fluid intake, and regular exercises are contribute to healing. The main goal of the treatment is to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and normalize defecation.

When is hemorrhoid surgery needed?

The proctologist decides to do hemorrhoid surgery in severe cases, when medical treatment and changing eating habits doesn’t lead to any results.

How does the procedure go?

During hemorrhoid surgery, we remove hemorrhoids. It is performed under anesthesia. The total length of stay at our clinic is one day.

What are the advantages and risks of the surgery?

After procedure, both pain and bleeding ceases. The surgical risk is minimal.