Ophthalmic Surgery

About eye surgery in general

Our ophthalmologists diagnose and treat hundreds of patients with eye conditions yearly. Our hospital offers a wide range of ophtalmological services from routine eye exams to verious surgical treatments. Our specialists have expertise in treating cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and various diseases affesting the eyelids.

Outpatient eye surgery

lipoma/atheroma (fatty tissue) removal

Lumps of fatty tissue may form just about anywhere on the body. A fatty tissue can be classified as either lipoma or atheroma. Lipomas are slow-growing fatty lumps, generally located between the skin and the underlying muscle layer. They are generally harmless, but in some cases they can be painful. If a lipoma grows, it can press on nearby nerves, but pain can also occur if a lipoma contains many blood vessels. Atheromas are small fatty lumps that develop on the inside of blood vessels. Atheromas can only be treated surgically. During the operation the surgeon makes a small incision on your skin to remove the lesion.

pterygium surgery

The main symptom of pterygium (or „surfer’s eye”) is the development of a pink, fleshy tissue growth on the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that lines the eyelids and covers the eyeball. It usually forms on the side closest to the nose and grows in the direction of the pupil. The growth can be seen in just one or both eyes. When it affects both eyes, it is called bilateral pterygium. When the growth interferes with the patient’s vision, surgical removal becomes necessary.

fibroma removal

Fibromas are spindle-shaped, benign tumors made up of fibrous or connective tissue cells. They may develop in just about any organ. If multiple fibroids are present in the same patient, the condition is called fibromatosis. Fibroma removal is considered a surgical treatment.

cyst removal

Fluid filled lumps sometimes form in the patients’ upper or lower eyelids. These cysts normally disappear on their own after a while. In some cases the cyst becomes infected, causing redness, swelling and pain. During eyelid cyst removal, the surgeon carefully numbs the area in and around the eye, turns the patient’s eyelid inside out and scrapes the cyst off with the help of tiny surgical instruments.

stye removal

When the area at the base of the eyelashes becomes irritated and clogged, it is called a stye. It can develop on one eyelid only, but patients often have it in both eyes at the same time. A stye usually appears as a red bump with a spot in the center. Other tipical symptoms include an itchy feeling around the eye, crust along the eyelid, and the irritating feeling that there is something in your eye. In case of a stye, the eye feels sensitive to bright light. During stye removal surgery, the surgeon removes the pus and the tallow, and may excise the inflamed tissue if necessary.

blepharochalasis syndrome treatment

Blepharochalasis is a rare disorder. It is a condition characterized by painless, recurring swelling of the eyelids accompanied by episodic inflammation and stretching and atrophy of the skin. Surgery is recommended in the later stages.

entropion correction

Entropion is a condition in which the patient’s eyelid – in most cases the lower one – is turned inward so that the eyelashes rub against the eyeball, causing a lot of discomfort. The aim of the surgery is to remove excess tissue. Surgical treatment is usually successful in eliminating the symptoms of entropion.

ectropion correction

Ectropion means that the eyelid turns outward. This leaves the inner surface of the eyelid exposed. When ectropion occurs, tears don’t drain properly into the puncta. Symptoms include irritation, sensitivity to light, watery eyes and excessive dryness. This type of surgery is performed both for cosmetic and medical reasons.

xanthelasma removal

Xanthelasma is a skin condition characterized by the development of flat yellow growths on the patient’s eyelids. Generally it is not harmful. It occurs more often in men than in women, usually in people over the age of forty. This condition is very easy to diagnose, because the edges of the lesions are well defined and the growths have a characteristic yellow colour.

Cataract surgery

A bit of cloudiness and a worsening eye-sight are a normal part of aging. Nevertheless, if your symptoms interfere with your daily life you should undergo ophtalmological testing to determine whether or not you have cataracts. If you are found to have cataracts, your doctor might recommend cataract surgery.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

OCT is short for Optical Coherence Tomography. This non-invasive imaging test examines the fundus of your eye (retina, optic nerve, and macula). It is used to detect the following diseases:

  • retina diseases
  • age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • glaucoma
  • diabetic eye disease

Visual Field Testing

Visual Field Test also known as Perimetry test examines and measures the range of your visual field – including your peripheral vision – when you keep your head and eyes stil. This exam is vital in the early detection and diagnosis of certain ophtalmological diseases such as glaucoma and some neurological abnormalities.